I am really making an effort to blog more often. I am not sure that I really see the point in having a blog unless I update frequently. For me, I think it might mean forcing myself to update close to daily, because if I don't update daily, I just may not update at all. Or go on another month long hiatus. I am finding it hard to find material for daily posts, I just don't knit enough to have something exciting to show every day. This is especially true now that I am spinning. As much as I love spinning, it does seriously take away from the knitting time, meaning that I now have less show and tell. So, we may be seeing a few more kitty pictures when there is no knitting to display, I think I can bribe you guys with that right?
Speaking of non knitting content, anyone else see Burn After Reading? I loved it, as I have loved every movie made by the Coen Brothers. It was worth the movie ticket price just to see Brad Pitt's dance moves.
that kitten picture is soooooo cute - i'm totally bribe-able with kitten/cat pictures :)
Since I got kittens a couple weeks ago, I'm ALL about kittens on blog posts! Bring on the kitty photos. : )
- Julie
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