Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Today has been sort of stressful. I did some number crunching with my loans, expenses and resources, and things are not looking good. So I am going on a debt diet until the last day of classes - April 2. I will not buy anything, including yarn, for this whole month. I will still allow myself to buy groceries and necessities. I am alloting $20 a week for going out with friends, but other than that - no spending. I think I can do it, my main strategy is going to consist of just not going in any stores, so I can't be tempted.

However, today I was allowed to spend money. And I finally managed to find a nice dress for the Occupational Therapy Ball. I got a good deal on a black strapless number. It's nice and simple, so I can wear it more than once.

I am making some progress on thermal. I split the neckline and I am working my way up the back. I have about another 4 inches to go before I am done the back. Here is the sweater with my very cranky looking cat. She's not cranky in real life she just squints when the camera flashes!

I passed in my Grad School application today. That was a thrilling moment! Now all I have to do is wait and find out if I get in!

Lastly here is a picture of me and the cat that Mike took, I thought it was cute:


Catie said...

Very nice looking cat - what are the grad schools you have applied to?

Maggie Tipping said...

I am applying to Dalhousie. That's where I am doing my undergrad too. I havn't applied to any others though.