Monday, September 10, 2007

I bought the Yaris :) Mike has decided to call it Captain Long John Silver, because as Mary has pointed out it is rather Pirate like being a YARRRRRis and all. She says I should call it Cap'n for short. I agree. Now I just hope that I can work enough to pay for it! Could be tricky with school and all that fun stuff.

Now for some very bad news. Due to life circumstances Oliver is moving to Moncton. I won't get into the details on the internet, but I am really devastated. I have been teary ever since I found out on Sunday and I am still having a hard time getting control. I know he's not really my dog, so I don't get a say in what happens to him. But I really can't express how much I am going to miss him. I love seeing him and he is the closest thing I have to a dog. Plus we do have a really special connection.


Anonymous said...

That is so sad about Oliver leaving. I know how easy it is to become attached...

Steph said...

Oh no! Surrogate puppy is moving away? I don't know what I would do if my four-legged nephew moved.

Maybe I'd finally get a dog?

rho said...

YAY! for the yaris...
Boo! for dog leaving...
You need something yummy, sweet, and comforting - i think they stock that the wired monk! see you tonight hopefully.