Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I am so very torn between Julia and Rose. To be perfectly honest, I am a little underemployed right now, and I can't really afford either one... but I feel like I deserve a little treat as a present to myself for finishing school. I mean lots of people go on a trip to Cuba or something for graduation, and this is far less than that! It's just that I am going to Toronto next week... and the cat needs dental surgery....

I think I need a magical money tree to come and throw some money at my house...

I know that I will buy one or the other, I just need to pick. They are both fine wheels, and I just really want to make sure that I pick the right one!! Both the wheels "spoke to me" more than any of the cheaper ones that I tried. Any spinners have any advice for choosing the perfect wheel?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh no! Poor Sage... at least, I'm assuming it's Sage, since Hobbes has taken to "brushing his teeth".
Poor Kitty.